Students with 3.50+ G.P.A were awarded.
There is no question that a good education is one of the cornerstone's in a child's development. But no matter how much education is talked about, and catchphrases like "Reading is Fundamental" or "School is Cool - Stay in School"; children want to know that adults are paying attention to their hard work. Really all people at some point want to be recognized and acknowledged for their tenacity in life. This year,
The Bahamas Department of Education chose to show the students of Exuma that they see the hard work that's being put forth by all ages.
The 1st Annual District Awards Ceremony was held at the
Sandals Resort Great Exuma. This event was in honor of those students that achieved a G.P.A of 3.50 or higher. Each student received a trophy for their accomplishments.
With such a positive event happening, I couldn't miss an opportunity to photograph this moment for these young achievers. I also knew this was an opportunity for me to give a little something to those that really excelled. For the past two years, my charitable organization the
Nelson A. Ranger Golf Camp & Scholarship Fund gives financial scholarships to deserving students that are heading to college to pursue their academic dreams. I absolutely feel this is a noble cause, because I think that learning is important as I try to learn something new every day myself. But, the scholarships are given out every August, and I had been looking for other opportunities throughout the school year to further encourage students to excel.
With the help of my fantastic sponsors, like
Exuma Markets LTD, Christian Joest, and Doeboi Enterprises, we were able to reward three high achieving students for their diligence and perseverance. The winners were selected from both government-run and private schools based on their overall G.P.A and additional academic achievements. The winners were as follows:
1st Place - Rebecca Knowles, L.N. Coakley Senior High School
Rebecca received an iPad, an iPad cover, and a $50 gift certificate for school supplies.
Rebecca's mother, Julie Knowles accepts on behalf of her daughter from Magnolia Morley, Treasurer of the Nelson A. Ranger Golf Camp & Scholarship Fund.
2nd Place - J'Cey Taylor, St. Andrew's Anglican School
J'Cey received a laptop computer and a $75 gift certificate for school supplies
J'Cey accepting her prizes from Magnolia Morley.
3rd Place - Jon-Marie Gorte, St. Andrew's Anglican School
Jon-Marie recieved a $150 gift certificate for school supplies.
Jon-Marie accepting her prize from Magnolia Morley.
It goes without saying that the members of the Nelson A. Ranger Golf Camp & Scholarship Fund and myself want only the best for the children of Exuma. We may be a small island in a chain of 700, but we are all capable of great things. I would like to personally thank all of the fantastic sponsors, the teachers, and parents that continue to show support for the education of our children.
If you would like to see more pictures for this encouraging event, please check out
the gallery on
IMAGES by Alexander (Bahamas). Feel free to LIKE, COMMENT, or SHARE the photos with family and friends. Also, if you are interested in becoming a future sponsor of the Nelson A. Ranger Golf Camp & Scholarship Fund, please feel free to
contact us!